character falls off screen
character falls off screen
this random text gives waaaay cracking ideas:
Future Knights Codes Ingenuous Knights Because of An Unexpected Plan xD
Masochist Pandas Hack And Slash Antiheroic Prostitutes Because of An Eversional Terrace xD
Huge Homosexuals Digitalize Gentle Musicianss Because of a God's Revenge xD
Cyber Politicians Creates Mecha Sheep Because of A Sublimina Revenge xD
Blue 2D Characters Battle Cool Prostitutes Because Of An Expired Education xD
Past Sheep Attack Amnesiac Pandas Because Of A Funny Experience xD
Ingenuous Fairies Show Coolness To Colourful Snakes Because Of A Failed Love xD
Badass Witches Manipulate Innocent Prostitutes Because Of A World Domination Love xDDD
Brilliant Strangers Stare At Amnesiac Stick Figures Because Of A God'S Plan xDDDDDD
Enraged Nanomachines Raise Cyber Dinosaurs Because Of A Deranged Flatchest xD DEAR GOD FLATCHEST xDDDD
hey, there are 2 bugs I found.
In the town, you can speak to the bartender/whatever from outside the inn and buy stuff from him.
And, the 2nd Boss, if you kill the squid, the tentacles are still "alive" (?) ...
But the game is just Awesome!
los botones del menú se mueven demasiado, es molesto
y hay hexágonos en perspectiva que son de mapa de bits, no de vector, eso arruina la calidad de la presentación
ok colega muchas gracias
Age 34, Male
Facultad de Artes - UNaM
Joined on 6/10/10